[Summary] Getting to Yes with Yourself
What is the secret to becoming a better negotiator and reaching successful agreements? In Getting to YES with Yourself , author William Ury talks about reaching agreement with the greatest obstacle in a negotiation - our own selves. In the book, William outlined 6 steps to getting to yes with ourselves: Putting Yourself in Your Shoes. All too often we judge ourselves harshly and sometimes unfairly. In the first step of getting to yes with ourselves, William suggests that we listen to our feelings and figure out our underlying needs, so as to better understand what we truly wish to achieve in the negotiation. Develop Your Inner BATNA. The second step is to take responsibility for our own life and relationships instead of putting the blame on others. That way, we can make a commitment to ourselves to take care of our needs and develop our B est A lternative T o a N egotiated A greement (BATNA) regardless of what the other party does or does not do for us. Reframe Your Picture. Much o...