2018 review

Phew... 2018 went faster than expected and 2019 isn't slowing down. Here's how I did for my New Year's Resolution:

Resolution 1: Read 10 books

I've already covered the first 4 books in another post so this will be the list of remaining books I've read since.
  1. Happiness Is a Choice You Make by John Leland
  2. Blue on Blue by Charles Campisi
  3. Touching Heaven by Leanne Hadley
    What I liked: I'm not sure what is there not to like about this book. The touching and heartfelt stories about the faith the children had in the face of their illness had me tearing more than once while reading.
    What I disliked: None that I can think of.
  4. Kiss That Frog by Brian Tracy
    What I liked: Short, manageable chapters making it suitable for brief periods of reading while commuting.
    What I disliked: Yet another self-improvement book, really? (Just kidding, it is a good book with much less 'feel-good-fluff' that characterises other self-improvement book.
And that brings the total number of books read in 2018 to eight, two shy of my target. ^^;

Resolution 2: Finish CS50x on edX

This is where I fell really short of my goal, having only finished up to week 4's pset 5. I'll still be trying to complete it though as the second half of the course will cover web programming and python. :D

All in all, while I did not manage to reach the goals I set at the start of the year, it did set up some healthy habits for me such as utilising my time on commute to read. At the end of the day, I guess that is what truly counts - the journey, memories, and good habits formed. :)


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