Ubuntu VirtualBox Guest Additions and Custom LiveCD

Some quick notes for myself:

Ubuntu VirtualBox Guest Additions
  1. Install VirtualBox guest additions
  2. Create virtual machine shared folder
  3. Add virtual machine Ubuntu user to vboxsf group `sudo usermod -a -G vboxsf username`
  4. Logout/restart
Creating Ubuntu Custom LiveCD
  1. Add Cubic repository `sudo apt-add-repository ppa:cubic-wizard/release`
  2. Install Cubic `sudo apt install cubic`
  3. Run Cubic and point to default ISO downloaded from www.ubuntu.com
  4. Install any additional packages needed
  5. Finish customizing ISO image

For the more adventurous who want to create a LiveCD from scratch: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomizationFromScratch


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