Reminder to self...

I will be the first to admit - I have not had much happiness since my last post on exercising those happiness muscles.

Was I too stressed out to notice those little pockets of happiness life has thrown my way?

Was I too grumpy to remember to keep that smile on?
Most likely.

Have I forgotten to live in the moment and enjoy it?

So I had been cruising through the week grumpier than Oscar the grouch, snapping at others and complaining every chance I got. Thankfully the wake up call came in the form of this story which I had saved to my Pocket.

When the boss gave a task, I got bitter at why it can't be done my way since my way was 'better'.

When friends did something out of my norm, I got irritated why they do not see that it is just 'common sense' not to do so.

When the little ones tried to play with me, I got angry at why they are so needy and cannot just give me some alone time.

The common thread throughout is that it is about ME. It was all about me and my ego; how everyone should work and behave in the way I thought was best and correct, at moments appropriate to me. I had let my self-centeredness get in the way of enjoying company whom I usually treasure and in the chance to learn.

For this next week, I shall resolve:

To see differences without judgement by my own yardstick and learn from it.

To accept that not everyone is the same as me and the world is a more interesting place because of it.

To enjoy every moment when the little ones need my time because they will not be needing me for much longer.

We all have days when we slip up and trip but the key here is to not be overly harsh on oneself. Just pick yourself up, dust the dirt off, and continue trying.

"You just gotta get up and try."

P!nk - Try from PinkVEVO


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