Happiness Is A Muscle Too

What is happiness? From Dictionary.com, happiness is defined as
  1. the quality or state of being happy.
  1. good fortune; pleasure; contentment; joy.

It is an elusive thing which everyone is looking for. Some think they have got it, others think they will never have it, and many are searching for it.

I have started coming around to the idea that happiness is like a muscle - the more you exercise it the stronger it gets. In terms of happiness, this means that the more you experience it, the more joy you have.

Let's try a little exercise. Smile and hold it there for 15 seconds. Recall some happy memories - the last time you went fishing, chilling out at the beach, etc.. Feel that twinkle in your eye and the joy spreading through your body. How did it feel? Feels great? Feels good? Well in case that felt crappy, at least that little exercise helped lower your body's stress response according to this study.

Now practice looking for little pockets of happiness everyday. Witness a beautiful sunrise? Stop and savor it. Drinking your usual Starbucks coffee? Feel the taste on your tongue and let the aroma permeate your mouth and nostrils. Stuck in rush hour traffic and your favorite song comes on the radio? Sing along and maybe even dance a little! Remember, the more you exercise finding happiness, the more your brain and body is conditioned to feel happiness.

So keep that smile on and continue looking out for your pockets of happiness. Here is a song from Westlife that sums it up - Flying Without Wings.

Video by Linh92Haui01


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