
Showing posts from May, 2018

Ubuntu VirtualBox Guest Additions and Custom LiveCD

Some quick notes for myself: Ubuntu VirtualBox Guest Additions Install VirtualBox guest additions Create virtual machine shared folder Add virtual machine Ubuntu user to vboxsf group `sudo usermod -a -G vboxsf username` Logout/restart References: Creating Ubuntu Custom LiveCD Add Cubic repository `sudo apt-add-repository ppa:cubic-wizard/release` Install Cubic `sudo apt install cubic` Run Cubic and point to default ISO downloaded from Install any additional packages needed Finish customizing ISO image References: For the more adventurous who want to create a LiveCD from scratch:

[Review] My Holiday in North Korea

It's such a coincidence that I had barely finished reading "My Holiday in North Korea: The Funniest / Worst Place on Earth" by Wendy E. Simmons when news came about of the historic North and South Korea meeting in Panmunjom in which they agreed to "work toward denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula, and declaring a formal end to the Korean War by the end of the year". Talk about impeccable timing! My Holiday in North Korea  by Wendy E. Simmons I first picked up the book at the library due to the catchy title and cover photo which suggests a fun filled read - something I could do with seeing as to how I failed to finish reading the previous book I picked. Fortunately it did not disappoint and I frequently found myself grinning like a mad woman on the train while reading during my daily commute. Thankfully I managed to hold in my laughter so as to not appear deranged to the other passengers. My impression of North Korea before reading the book, formed from v...