
钱多钱少,够吃就好。 人丑人美,顺眼就好。
人老人少,健康就好。 家穷家富,和气就好。
老公晚归,有回就好。 老婆唠叨,顾家就好。
孩子从小,就要教好。 博士也好,卖菜也好。
长大以后,乖乖就好。 房屋大小,能住就好。
名不名牌,能穿就好。 两轮四轮,能驾就好。
老板不好,要忍就好。 一切烦恼,能解就好。
坚持执著,放下最好。 人的一生,平安就好。
不是有钱,一定会好。 心好就好,命能改好。
谁是谁非,天知就好。 修福修慧,来世更好。
天地万物,随缘就好。 很多事情,看开就好。
说这么多,明白就好。 人人都好,日日都好。
您好我好,世界更好。 总而言之,知足最好。
这条资讯,真的很好。 不发给您,是我不好。

This passage in Chinese was making its rounds via messaging apps and I thought I'll note it here for future reference when I need a little mood booster.

For those who do not understand Chinese, here is my feeble attempt at translating:

Please take a seat and listen well for your happiness.
It doesn't matter if one is rich or poor as long as there is sufficient to eat.
It doesn't matter if one is a plain Jane or pretty as long as they are not an eyesore.
It doesn't matter if one is old or young as long as they are healthy.
It doesn't matter if the family is poor or rich as long as there is harmony.
It doesn't matter how late the husband comes home as long as he returns home.
It doesn't matter if the wife nags as long as she takes care of the home.
One must teach one's children from young.
It doesn't matter if they become a doctor or a vegetable seller.
As long as they grow up to be responsible adults.
It doesn't matter if the house is big or small as long as one has a roof over the head.
It doesn't matter if the clothes are branded or not as long as they are wearable.
It doesn't matter if one can afford a bike or a car as long as one has a vehicle to ride.
If one's boss is bad, just bear with it.
None of one's troubles are problems if it can be solved.
It is best to let go of one's stubbornness.
Peace of mind is the most important in one's life.
It is not necessarily the best to be rich.
One can improve one's fortunes through kindness.
Steer clear of gossip; it is for heaven to know who is in the right or wrong.
Accumulate good karma for a better life.
One can't force certain things - leave them to fate.
Learn to move on in life.
I hope you have understood after saying so much.
Everyday will be good if everyone is good.
The world will be a better place if you and I are happy.
Basically, learn to be content with one's life.
This message is really good.
It is my bad if I don't send it to you.

I can't say I agree wholeheartedly with every verse and I took the easy way out to translate the overall meaning rather than each stanza at certain points. Still, I hope the translation was useful!


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