We all have a little flame

Tongues of Flame
Tongues of Flame
Creative Commons image by Fr Lawrence Lew, O.P., on flickr

We all have a little flame.

It comes in varying shapes, sizes, and colours.

Some have a dazzling flame that burns so bright, it touches and warms all those who comes near it.

Others have a smaller flame that is cozy and gentle, yet no less precious.

Some will protect their flame carefully while others let theirs go out at the slightest bit of wind.

Some with their flame snuffed out get upset that others still have a flame.

Others willingly extinguish their flame and try to destroy others' flame.

But those who protect their flames are the ones who let it burn brightest.

With their flame they can relight the flame for others.

What is the size and colour of your flame?

Are you protecting it well and using it to spread warm and light to others?

Or have you been neglecting it while watching the flames of others' enviously?


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