
Showing posts from January, 2018

[Review] The 10-Second Rule

The 10-Second Rule by Clare De Graaf is a rule book on following Jesus made simple as stated on its cover. The idea behind the rule was basically to do what you are reasonably certain that Jesus wants you to do in the next 10 seconds. No procrastinating, no over-thinking, just do it like Nike's slogan. Many times we may have felt an impression, like a passing feeling or thought, to do something such as stopping to offer someone a hitch or to call someone and ask about their day, but fail to follow through on the thought/feeling as we start to analyse and feel that maybe the person trying to hitchhike could be dangerous, or the person we call may start to ramble and we won't be able to get off the phone. Such promptings could have been an instruction from God, perhaps to act as the 'angel' someone has been praying that He will send, or to help pull someone from the edge of thinking of suicide because no one cares in this world. The 10 second rule is about obeying ...

Happy New Year 2018!

It's the end of another year and the start of a new one. 2017 has been somewhat disappointing in the area of self-development so in order to not repeat the same mistake for the next year, here are some goals I am setting for myself in 2018: Read 10 books. As they say, reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. So to keep my mind fit, I'll be aiming for approximately one book a month, with a small discount to make it manageable. Finish CS50x on edX . This is for completion sake as I have a bad track record of not completing the Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) I signed up for. With CS50x Introduction to Computer Science as a foundation, hopefully I'll feel more inspired to complete the rest of the technically courses I started. I would probably have a much longer list but I figured I should keep it simple for now. Plus there's always time to review again along the year to tack on more goals should I find any pressing ones. Here's a Happy New ...