
Showing posts from December, 2017

[Review] Perfect Match

This month's review is for fiction book Perfect Match by Jodi Picoult, which makes it the second book by the author I read, with the first being My Sister's Keeper . I picked it up at the Ng Teng Fong Hospital branch of Dignity Mama Stall on the cheap. ( Dignity Mama Stall is an initiative for youths with special needs to equip them with skills to run and manage a stall. Do consider supporting them through book donations or purchasing titles from them in person or through their online store.) Perfect Match is gripping from start to end and in Picoult's usual style, makes one wonder how far can one keep to one's moral compass when events are not happening to someone else but yourself. The story is especially poignant for me as the questions Nina had to ask herself were questions I find myself wondering too in my current line of work. Having dedicated herself to her work as a public attorney and asking her clients to have faith in the law as she worked to place crimi...