Useful Linux commands
Posted more for self reference, though I hope it can help some other poor souls out there. Linux pipes We all know how useful pipes are, and a quick search will net you tons of information on how to use it. Let's say you wish to find files that have not been accessed for the last 30 days $ find -atime +30 -type f If you wish to delete them, you can either use find 's -exec option, or pipe them using xargs . $ find -atime +30 -type f -exec rm {} \; $ find -atime +30 -type f | xargs rm I also managed to find another reference from Linux Commando about the xargs option: xargs splits up its input arguments at spaces (and newlines). If a file name (or path name) has spaces in it, e.g., "can not do this.pdf", xargs will misinterpret it and thinks there are multiple files. The solution is to invoke xargs with the -0 (zero) parameter. xargs will separate filenames by NUL instead of whitespace. Also, the find command needs the -print0 parameter: this puts a NUL between filen...